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Tag: adults

COMPLETED: Old Hollywood – From a Photographers Point of View

In this class Edina Dober will guide students on how to pose in front of the camera “Old Hollywood-style”. Students will get some insights on how a photographer creates an image that tells a story. They will see moodboards and how it helps to stay focused. They will also get familiar with different light modifiers and how those light the scene differently. Students will be guided step by step to develop their character and understand the image creating process.

Group age: Adult

How many students: 8 – 12

How many sessions: 1

How many minutes per session: Up to 180 mins

Which days and what time: Saturday November 11th, 12:30 – 3.30pm

What will the students learn: Developing their characters for a photograph

What is required from the students: Research old Hollywood pictures from the late 1920s to 1960s, save it to your phone and bring it to class. Study the poses and the expressions.

This workshop includes 2 professional edited photos in bland and white and colour.

COMPLETED How to pose to secure your casting!

  Join our interactive workshop on casting headshots, where you’ll learn the art and science of creating compelling headshots that capture the essence of your acting talent.

By the end of this workshop, you’ll leave with a set of 4 final stunning headshots that will increase your chances of landing your dream acting roles. Don’t miss this opportunity to take your acting career to the next level!


Group age: 18+

How many students: 5-8 

How many sessions: 1 session 

How many minutes per session: 120 min 

Which days and what time: Saturday October 14th 1-3 pm 

What will the students learn: 

-Photography essentials on how to achieve professional-quality headshots

-How to be flexible, comfortable and confident in front of a camera

-How to convey different emotions and characters through your facial expressions

-How to give the best possible idea of what you naturally look like in a headshot

What is required from the students:

-A simple neutral-colors outfit (preferably not white)/ some light makeup for females

COMPLETED: Acting Course for Adults

In this dynamic course, participants will embark on an enlightening journey to discover the incredible potential within their own bodies and talents. Engaging in a blend of individual and group exercises each week, we will delve into various facets of acting for the stage, encompassing body language mastery, the art of compelling public speaking, refining voice and speech techniques, and the nuanced craft of acting for the camera.

As the culmination of this transformative 10-week course, students will have the exhilarating opportunity to showcase their newfound expertise through a live performance, providing a vivid testament to the depth of knowledge they have acquired.

Group age: 16 +

How many sessions: 10 Sessions 

How many minutes per session: 120 min

What will the students learn: Stanislavski, Solo Performance, Public Speaking, Improvising, Acting for camera

What is required from the students: Comfortable clothes, A bottle of water, notebook and pen, Props and costumes if needed.

COMPLETED: Voice for body, body for voice

Teknika në fjalë, vie si rezultat i një studimi që i është bërë vokalit dekadën e kaluar, në Shtetet e
Bashkuara të Amerikës, nga ekspertë të zërit në bashkëpunim me shkencën e mjekësisë – i cili studim ka
rezultuar se 90% e këngëtarëve këndojnë me sforcim.

Prandaj, për të realizuar performancën e tyre të
pasforcuar, është bërë studim më i thellë, përmes obduksionit që i është bërë disa trupave, në
universitetin UMHS në NYC (University of Medicine and Health Sciences).Ky studim ka rezultuar me
faktin, se elasticiteti i kordave është shumë më i madh sesa që u është krijuar mundësia këngëtarëve me
metodologjitë e aplikuara deri më tani.

Kështu, pas një hulumtimi dhe studimi tejet serioz, janë gjetur
forma më praktike të trajtimit të vokalit, të cilat kanë rezultuar tejet të suksesëshme, duke ju larguar
tërësisht teknikave të deritanishme konvencionale.

Teknika vokale ‘’zëri për trupin, trupi për zerin’’ dhe ‘’duke vepruar për vokalin’’ ndikon drejtpërdrejtë
në zgjerimin e ambitusit të këngëtarëve, në origjinalitetin e tyre, qetësinë gjatë performancës, energjinë
e këndimit, në rehabilitimin e dëmtimit të vokalit dhe më e rëndësishmja, në rregullimin e frymëmarrjes
në mënyrë profesionale dhe kondicionin e saj. Kjo teknikë nuk njeh limit moshe.

Cka është këndimi?
Këndimi është një tingull i mbajtur.
Kurr mos lufto me tingullin vetëm kendo.



Group age:15 – 40

How many students per session: 1-4 studetns

How many sessions per week: 2 times

How many minutes per session: 30 min

Which days and time: Saturday, Monday, Thursday/ 10 am and 11 am