Title: Acting for Kids Instructor: Semira Latifi Language: Albanian Descritption: Encourage and exercise self motivated work and support one another. Group age: 9-15 How many sessions: 5 (Monday | Wednesday| Friday) June 23 Time: 13:00 CET, 12:00 GMT Number of students: 6-12 students How many minutes per sessions: 45 min What will the students learn: By […]
About Course
Title: Acting for Kids
Instructor: Semira Latifi
Language: Albanian
Descritption: Encourage and exercise self motivated work and support one another.
Group age: 9-15
How many sessions: 5 (Monday | Wednesday| Friday)
June 23
Time: 13:00 CET, 12:00 GMT
Number of students: 6-12 students
How many minutes per sessions: 45 min
What will the students learn: By acting classes kids will be able to develop many skills as their public speech, improvisation, interacting, develop their imagination, engage, listen and react and the most important thing they learn to express themselves better by learning, being active and having fun.
What is required from students: A device ( laptop, smart phone or something similar) where kids can get access to follow the online course. A pen and a blank paper.
Course Content
By Zoom
By Zoom